The reason why purely investment thinking (and investment mathematics) won’t supply answers to these retirement income questions is simple. Retirement income planning isn’t really an investment problem; it’s a risk management problem.

The risk is that you won’t have enough income in retirement (or that you will, for a while, but that you’ll run out of money if you live long enough). If the annual income that you need in retirement exceeds the income from your investments (e.g.: bond coupon income, stock dividends), you’ll have to tap principal for the difference. If your investments grow, each year, by at least that amount, you’ll be fine. But if they don’t, you could run out of money.

It is difficult to get the right solution when you start out with the wrong premise. If we center ourselves in a false belief system, we become what we believe.

If something you thought to be true wasn’t true, when would you want to know about it?

There are 3 types of money:

  • Lifestyle Money – represents the dollars that you are spending to maintain your current standard of living. Where you live, eat, vacation, etc.

  • Accumulated Money – represents the amount of money you currently have invested and are currently saving.

  • Transferred Money – represents the money you may be transferring away unknowingly and unnecessarily.

Without understanding what are these in relation to our goal of increasing our wealth, we may never maximize the velocity of our money. By working with us and understanding these, we will be able to help you achieve your goal.